Wednesday, 15 August 2007

I'm Tagged

1-Post these rules.
2-Each person tagged must post 8 random (... hopefully interesting) facts about themselves.
3-Taggees should write a blogpost of these facts.
4- At the end of the post 8 more bloggers are tagged and named and released back into the wild.
5-Go to their blog and leave a comment telling them they're tagged*.

Ok here goes!

1. From the age of 5yrs to 18yrs I did traditional Austrian Dancing & played Austrian cowbells.

2. I married my High School Sweetheart.

3. I am fanscinated with Stone Henge. Ever since my high school did the Rock Eisteddford with it as a back drop doing Wuthering Heights, I have been intrigued to learn more.

4. I have also taken a huge interest in the Titanic. I used to watch the black & white movie about it. I was just in awe of it. I have the Updated / current version on Video and its the special Edition with all the pictures and the film strip too. I have a couple of books on it too.

5. When I was young I wanted to be an Architect or Councellor. I love drawing houses and floor plans. And love helping people.

6. I am a girly girl trapped in a male dominant family. But that's ok I love them all. I just like a bit more pink around the place lol!

7. I love cooking and having friends over for a nice meal and playing board games or cards after.

8. I am definately not a night clubber never have been. Too loud and I'm normally buggered by midnight anyway and get board there easily.

Ok now to tag another
so I tag:

Vicki Brunner
Donna Coddington
Lynn Cresswell
Kerry Murray
Jane Logan
Kylie Moore
Lee Meredith

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