Sorry for the late updates but things around here have been hectic. Paddy had been put into hospital .
Docs have called what he has Bronchilitis as they can’t be 100% although it looks more like asthma.
Difference is Babies upto 12 months don’t normally respond to ventolin as it just simply does nothing.
Although saying that some babies do respond to it under 12 months. Patrick being one of those exceptions that has responded well to it.
With Bronchilitis ventolin doesn’t normally make any difference but having asthma it does help opening up the lungs.
Sunday night from midnight till morning wasn’t nice then we went straight to hospital at 8am and straight through to reasus room. Bit scary there. Took xrays
And tried 4 times to get a drip into him as they were concerned of his little body shutting down ( he was not feeding well that morning ) as he struggled to breathe.
After racing Hayden to school and Mitch to sis in laws place – Sam eventually met me at the hospital. I stayed over night with him. Waking every 2 hrs was a pain in the rear for neb and obs. So we were in hospital for almost 48 hours.
Mitchell has been unwell also. I've not had much sleep this week and I am so tired and cranky.
Going back to the Docs today with Paddy as another awful night. I'm so over all this.
I have done some kits and part way through typing the instructions so keep a look out at Abundantias Gold.
My friend Mel came out of surgery well but still doing around of chemo. She is going to be pretty out of it for awhile. She says sorry to those who have booked photo shoots with her, a back up person is contacting all her clients to make rearrangements. As she will not be working for a while. She is a very strong and brave woman I admire a lot.
She does apologise that she hasn't had the chance to check her emails as everything has been quite hectic and has not had the chance. So do be patient and she'll contact you soon I'm sure.
Well Paddy is calling me and will need to head off to the Docs shortly.
Hopefully things get back on track for me soon. I hate all this mess.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Not Good News
I've just heard from my friend Mel who owns the photography website I'm working with her. She has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She is in her low 30's its so not fair. She is in hospital and will under go some surgery to remove one breast next week and then she has a series of Chemo to go through after that. So I'm crossing my fingers for her that all goes well.
Sorry to those that have organised photo shoots with Mel but don't worry as I have stepped in to help with those shoots and another photographer has stepped in to help out also. So its business as usual dispite what is going on. So no one is left high and dry.
I'll keep you posted on how her progress is going for those that would like to know.
Sorry to those that have organised photo shoots with Mel but don't worry as I have stepped in to help with those shoots and another photographer has stepped in to help out also. So its business as usual dispite what is going on. So no one is left high and dry.
I'll keep you posted on how her progress is going for those that would like to know.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Sorry for neglecting my blog here. It's been rather hectic here with Mitch unwell and Patrick up all night I'd be lucky to have 2 hours sleep. Apparently sleep is for the weak according to my kids.
Otherwise I've been pulled in all directions. I've been working for my friend Mel from Lanie photography as she is very sick at the moment. So keeping up with that and the kids plus trying to fit in a bit of scrapping and writing is rather challenging.
I've now set up my writing blog too. That will have sneak peeks of my work, information about writing, writing groups / circles, tips, and competition writing, places where you can submit your work. I work on my writing when I can't scrap as normally I have an 8 month old on my lap into everything. I'm trying to create some balance. I've been using a pen name mainly because of my last name and the connotations that go with it. So I become Lea Bristow when I write. It's very exciting and I've a few things in the pipeline that are finished - a few short stories.
I'm glad I've finally finished story - Essence of a Mother.
Just cleaning it up then refining it and possibly submit it as a short piece.
Feel free to check out my writing website.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Weekend Away
It's been great to have a weekend away with friends. Went down to Mannum and stayed at a friends shack which is a more like a holiday house. Had a beautiful warm fire place. Kids had an awesome time.
Hope to go away in October to Halls Gap with friends for a week. So looking forward to that.
Still doing a little bit of writing when I can. It's slowed down at the moment due to Sam and Patrick not being well and Patrick teething.
Sam going away next week for a week. Work trip again. So I hope to get stuck into some scrapbooking then so I can at least stay up and get things done for my next kits for Abundantias Gold. It takes me a bit to get into the zone to scrap sometimes and once I'm there I don't stop.
Got some awesome ideas for my next kit they are boy zone kits. So if you are stumped on boy layouts I have 2 coming up soon.
Hope to go away in October to Halls Gap with friends for a week. So looking forward to that.
Still doing a little bit of writing when I can. It's slowed down at the moment due to Sam and Patrick not being well and Patrick teething.
Sam going away next week for a week. Work trip again. So I hope to get stuck into some scrapbooking then so I can at least stay up and get things done for my next kits for Abundantias Gold. It takes me a bit to get into the zone to scrap sometimes and once I'm there I don't stop.
Got some awesome ideas for my next kit they are boy zone kits. So if you are stumped on boy layouts I have 2 coming up soon.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
What a night
Golly what a night. Paddy is teething has one top tooth down and another on the way. Plus I don't think he is well all snotty and phlemy poor little guy so sleep hasn't been so good.
SIL says sleep is for the weak - just ask her boys. LOL hope Paddy doesn't follow suit at this stage. DH is coming down with something and so is Mitch. Yay a whole house full soon.
Not much going on then around here but looking after the sick.
I am craving some scrapping time but I don't think that is going to happen just yet.
SIL says sleep is for the weak - just ask her boys. LOL hope Paddy doesn't follow suit at this stage. DH is coming down with something and so is Mitch. Yay a whole house full soon.
Not much going on then around here but looking after the sick.
I am craving some scrapping time but I don't think that is going to happen just yet.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Still Here!
Yeah I'm still around. Schools back thank goodness. The boys get so rowdy when stuck at home.
Mitch is back at Kindy and loving it. This will be his last term before starting school next term.
Patrick is teething so I'm not sure if that's good or bad at the moment as he finally has a tooth coming down but the night routines are just out the window.
DH is really busy and been working a lot so trips here and there are still happening. It makes things tricky at times with the boys. But we are getting by.
There are some exciting things happening in the background at the moment but are under wraps for now. But I do hope to reveal things soon.
Mitch is back at Kindy and loving it. This will be his last term before starting school next term.
Patrick is teething so I'm not sure if that's good or bad at the moment as he finally has a tooth coming down but the night routines are just out the window.
DH is really busy and been working a lot so trips here and there are still happening. It makes things tricky at times with the boys. But we are getting by.
There are some exciting things happening in the background at the moment but are under wraps for now. But I do hope to reveal things soon.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Just another day!
Well this morning was nice after a coffee and chat with another mum. Then grocery shopping. So busy. Patrick is now in a foul mood. DH is out at a meeting tonight. So hoping with some luck and maybe a miracle that I can get some scrapping done.
Mitch is a lot better now from his asthma issues and Patrick is better and over his bronchiolitis so hoping to get back into the normal swing of things.
Been thrown off course of late with everything happening. I hope to have some more scrapping sneak peeks soon too.
Other than that Patrick is saying da da da and trying to sit up more too.
He is 7 months old time going too fast.
Mitch is a lot better now from his asthma issues and Patrick is better and over his bronchiolitis so hoping to get back into the normal swing of things.
Been thrown off course of late with everything happening. I hope to have some more scrapping sneak peeks soon too.
Other than that Patrick is saying da da da and trying to sit up more too.
He is 7 months old time going too fast.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Caught the writing bug!
After reading some of my SIL's stories she has totally inspired me to write about something that I've had bottled up for so long. The story I'm writing is part true in some areas with a fictional twist to it. So if you know how much I enjoy authors Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyers you can probably figure out part of the twist.
Its about a 16year old girl called Inara who has just moved schools leaving behind her boyfriend and long time friends. After a long settling in period at the new school she realises the move wasn't so bad afterall and begins to open up her heart once more. As the new girl she has a few welcome and unwelcome attention that leads her into hot water after a night out at the carnival. Inara goes through many ups and downs as most teenagers do and exploring her sexuality and what love really is about. She is a typical teenage girl and boys are apart of school life, so when she falls for Logan a gorgeously tall well groomed boy at school she never knew that life would take on a new meaning - Forever Young!
I'm just part way through the first chapter so stay tuned.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Some Sketches

Here are some lovely sketches I think they are from Smilebox digi website that just happen to have caught my eye and will be interested in coverting them to proper scrapping layout.
This one would look great for a wedding or silver wedding anniversary, engagement or maybe a precious moment - something like that.
This next one is gorgeous very country or shabby chic that lends itself to the
use of haberdashery lovely for heritage photo or girly photo.
Next time I post I'll put up a photo challenge and then a sketch to put the photo too.
What a week!
Oh Gosh what a wave of emotions it has been this week. I was supposed to go away with Lanie to help with Wedding photography but it all fell through and the wedding got postponed. The groom got rushed to hospital. So went Camping at a scout radio event to which was up in the air for me going as Mitch had asthma and croup - thankfully he got better but Patrick got really sick with bronchiolitis. So we have spent a few days in and out of hospital. I remember when Hayden had this and it wasn't very nice.
It is also contagious for under 2 year olds so I've been isolating myself at home as much as possible. He still isn't the best with mainly night time still being the worst but occasional day time coughing that makes him cry because it hurts.
Next week I have a meeting with a Cristina Re rep to take on board some of their products for Nes Mitchden designs.
Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to put up some more scrapping sketches from some of my favourite sites. ( Hi Sharron H )
Must go more house cleaning to do.
Lea x
It is also contagious for under 2 year olds so I've been isolating myself at home as much as possible. He still isn't the best with mainly night time still being the worst but occasional day time coughing that makes him cry because it hurts.
Next week I have a meeting with a Cristina Re rep to take on board some of their products for Nes Mitchden designs.
Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to put up some more scrapping sketches from some of my favourite sites. ( Hi Sharron H )
Must go more house cleaning to do.
Lea x
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
A New Day
Just another day of getting over thr lurggies that come with sharing family germs. Patrick seems much better sleeping a few more hours at night again was in bed at 8:30pm woke between 2 - 3amish. At least an improvement of what it has been around 12 - 1 am. He had his imms yesterday, was not impressed at all. Gosh 6 months already time is flying by.
Currenty working on some sketches for scrap kits for Abundantias, been a bit behind the 8 ball with unwell kids.
Going Camping this weekend so hoping Mitch improves more before we go.
Got a new tent so am eager to try it out. And the one luxury we bring is a heater mainly for Mitch's benefit and Patrick but its one cozy thing that makes campingbareable at night.
Been working on my photography portfolio will upload some of my work soon. Anyone that is interested in discounted portraits etc.. let me know as I am happy to take some for anyone. Great offers at Lanie Snaps Photography.
Started finding some time again to read, been reading the Stephenie Meyer's books already read Twilight and now reading New Moon. Really enjoying them.
Hopefully a start to a bright weekend.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Ups & Downs
Last few weeks has been a bit up and down. My husband has been away for work for a week and Patrick, Mitch and I have been unwell. Mitch's asthma has been really playing up that he sleeps in the lounge room so I can hear him if he has a problem so I can get to him quickly if need be. So trying to juggle a few things has been difficult and its been really doing my head in.
My husband leaves again for work trip in a weeks time to be away for 2 weeks so not looking forward to that.
With all that's going on I guess I've just been feeling a bit down. And the flack that I've been getting from 2 people I thought would support me most for breastfeeding for as long as possible has been disappointing.
Sometimes I wish I could just pour my heart out just to get things off my chest.
I feel that some people just abuse my friendship I've been burnt too many times and repeatedly.
It makes it very hard to trust or to let anyone close.
My husband leaves again for work trip in a weeks time to be away for 2 weeks so not looking forward to that.
With all that's going on I guess I've just been feeling a bit down. And the flack that I've been getting from 2 people I thought would support me most for breastfeeding for as long as possible has been disappointing.
Sometimes I wish I could just pour my heart out just to get things off my chest.
I feel that some people just abuse my friendship I've been burnt too many times and repeatedly.
It makes it very hard to trust or to let anyone close.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Abundantias Gold Kit 1
The photo is similar to decoupage. I used 2 photos for this that are identicle and cut out one and foam mounted over the top of the first photo to create a 3D effect.
Kit comes with step by step instructions and template to make it easy to copy.
The kit is a great price at $6.95
I hear the kits are selling well and possibly only a few left.
So it you would like one be quick to order.
Abundantias Gold is a local scrapbooking store in Adelaide that also has an online store that will post to anywhere within Australia.
Be sure to check out their online store.
Scrapping Mood
Well I haven't scrapped for a few weeks due to a lot going on in May. But hope to tonight. Although the house is a bit upside down as per the norm. Patrick is peacefully sleeping since 12pm woo hoo its 3pm now. I'm sure he'll wake soon.
I am really thrilled that my first kit at Abundantias Gold is going well. - Well hopefully going out the door lol...
I have a few interesting concepts going in my next 2 layouts that hope to be ready for June.
I'm normally in a scrapping mood at night but my husband seems to be able to draw me into the series he is watching on TV - 24 - I really like the series and Kiefer Sutherland (Jack) is great in them. So its been hard trying to tear me away but its also nice to spend that time with Hubby too. So when he is due to go away again for work then I'll be onto scrapping in a big way during that time. Then I can catch up on things then too.
I've also done a sample on Heidi Swapp invisiables of different mediums used to give people some ideas on how they could use it in their creations. Its in store at Abundantias if you want a look.
Once I've done my layouts I'll be sure to put some sneak peeks on here till its on show at the shop.
Well time is running away from me at the moment and I have to tidy up the house a little before some guests arrive for a meeting. And hopefully before Patrick wakes up.
Til next time
I am really thrilled that my first kit at Abundantias Gold is going well. - Well hopefully going out the door lol...
I have a few interesting concepts going in my next 2 layouts that hope to be ready for June.
I'm normally in a scrapping mood at night but my husband seems to be able to draw me into the series he is watching on TV - 24 - I really like the series and Kiefer Sutherland (Jack) is great in them. So its been hard trying to tear me away but its also nice to spend that time with Hubby too. So when he is due to go away again for work then I'll be onto scrapping in a big way during that time. Then I can catch up on things then too.
I've also done a sample on Heidi Swapp invisiables of different mediums used to give people some ideas on how they could use it in their creations. Its in store at Abundantias if you want a look.
Once I've done my layouts I'll be sure to put some sneak peeks on here till its on show at the shop.
Well time is running away from me at the moment and I have to tidy up the house a little before some guests arrive for a meeting. And hopefully before Patrick wakes up.
Til next time
Friday, 22 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Lanie Snaps Studio
My friend Melanie has just opened her new online business called Lanie Snaps Studio - I've been helping her with her blog and designing it for her. She does awesome photos and she said she'll teach me all her tricks so I'm pretty stoked at that.
Next I'll have to get a new camera.
Next I'll have to get a new camera.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
A New Position - part-time DT
Well after stumbling across a local Scrapbook Shop near by and after having a great chat with Simone, I've accepted a Design Team position with her shop Abundantias Gold (based in Adelaide). I'm excited about it and will be starting really slowly as I need to work around my family and young Patrick.
But I'm just doing Layout Kits for the shop. So you'll have to see my current layout in store shortly.
Maybe later in the year I might get back into teaching too.
Stay tuned for sneek peeks of some of my upcoming work due to be featured at Abundantias Gold.
Hope you enjoy the kits.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Nes Mitchden designs Announcement
Designers Wanted
We are looking for two more designer at Nes Mitchden designs.
So if you are good at using photoshop or something similar
or would like the chance to learn how to make our nappy and wedding cakes,
personalised scrapbooking albums
or a particular area in our business, be sure to email us before the 31st April.
* A little about yourself / family
* What you can do for the business
* What you would like to do for the business - area you'd like to work in
* Attach examples of some of your work ( if you have any )
New Designer will be announced June 1st.
Cheers from The NMD team
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
My Lil Man
Exciting News
I have some exciting news to tell but have to keep it secret for now till it is announced properly. But its all good! Will be able to tell you all soon.
Other minor news is I've started to scrap again just slowly getting back into it. So I hope to put up some of my work again on my website.
Hoping I can get my fluffy mail soon too.
Other minor news is I've started to scrap again just slowly getting back into it. So I hope to put up some of my work again on my website.
Hoping I can get my fluffy mail soon too.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Lasting Impressions
How to create long lasting impressions and memories from our uniquely designed photo stationery and gifts!(c) Copyright 2009 by Lea Adcock
How many times have you... received a card, invitation or photo album that you end up throwing away after a few weeks?
At Nes Mitchden designs we make our products and services memorable. Our quality designed cards, invitations and photo/ scrapbook albums can be created with your desired photos in a gorgeous and artistic way.
Baby Announcement and or Thankyou cards can be fairly overwhelming to organise shortly after the birth of your baby.
Imagine you taking the first photos of your new baby either at hospital or at home or perhaps you adored the professional ones. Wouldn't you love to showcase that photo to all your friends and family as either a Thankyou card or as an Announcement of your baby's arrival with all of baby's details?
Nes Mitchden designs can take the hassle away by designing and creating your cards for you so all you have to do is post them.Or perhaps you are looking for more of a personal wedding invitation or thankyou card to give to your guests in rememberance or reminder of your special day?
Nes Mitchden designs can use your engagement photos or wedding photos to creat a lasting memory of your special day or impending wedding. A picture of yourselves is a personal touch to your guests showing the love you share as a couple.
How about those photo albums that seem to stack up with photos and get put into dusty cupboards out of sight?
Why not let Nes Mitchden designs put a little pizzazz and artistic creation into your photos to bring them alive. A fantastic gift to give a family or friend for their special event or birthday. A feature that will be kept out on showand out of the cupboard.
You can benefit by our products and services to create an impact on your friends and family. Our personalised attention to detail to each unique design, taking into account your own style, suggestions, and theme.
Creating a specialised invitation for a friend to incorporate a variety of events to happen on the one special day - She gave me photos to represent each event from the christening of her two children, a birthday and a 10 year wedding anniversary. It was seen straight away on the invitation without reading it what the invitation was to include. The photos of her children and marriage certificate with rings and flowers surrounding it. It gave a visual effect to her guests and making it personal.
From the testimonies we've received, personal touches mean more, last longer and are kept as a keepsake of the event or personal thanks. So not only are you getting these gorgeous photo stationery or gifts but 5% of our profits is dontated to the Teddy Love Club - Pregnancy and Infant loss support. ( Support and Understanding for bereaved parents ) for creating keepsakes for the parents who leave hospital empty handed.
Why not have your photos displayed in an artistic form by Nes Mitchden designs?
Wouldn't you prefer to receive a personal card, invitation or gift?
Check out our website for ideas and tips on the types of photos to take or use in creating the perfect card, invitation or gift. Nes Mitchden designs
My Little Boy is 4 months old.
Wow is time flying. He is 4 months old now. Has his imms Monday - not looking forward to that.
Patrick is now becoming a cute little bubs by filling out now. He still low in weight but getting there. In comparison to what he was born 4.95kg he is only 5.7kg now. He's not losing weight but just gaining slowly. Had a few bouts of the colds and cough. Poor little guy is now cutting 4 teeth shortly as they aren't far from erupting. No wonder he has been screaming so bad.
Starting to organise Patrick's Baptism invitations etc... and the details that go with it.
Trying to get back into scrapbooking. I have some CM albums to do of the boys so will have to get cracking on that and print off some photos of that.
Patrick is now becoming a cute little bubs by filling out now. He still low in weight but getting there. In comparison to what he was born 4.95kg he is only 5.7kg now. He's not losing weight but just gaining slowly. Had a few bouts of the colds and cough. Poor little guy is now cutting 4 teeth shortly as they aren't far from erupting. No wonder he has been screaming so bad.
Starting to organise Patrick's Baptism invitations etc... and the details that go with it.
Trying to get back into scrapbooking. I have some CM albums to do of the boys so will have to get cracking on that and print off some photos of that.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Life is Busy
Busy but happy. So much been happening in the last few weeks. Been to tupperware parties, creactive memories demonstrations, learning ladder gatherings all are good and can't wait for my goodies to arrive. Something about getting things remotivates and gives you the warm and fuzzies.
Patrick is 14 weeks today time is flying by. Mitch been a little unwell with his asthma but hopefully its settles soon.
Patrick is 14 weeks today time is flying by. Mitch been a little unwell with his asthma but hopefully its settles soon.
Business Blog & Competition
Finally added the blog site to go with my Nes Mitchden designs website.
So happy with all of it, its all finished.
No more secrets lol
Nes Mitchden Designs are also looking for a new team Designer.
Its a bit of a trial thing at the moment getting the feel for the market at the moment.
Also visit the Blog to see the Competition details.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Nes Mitchden designs
Finally my new website is finished. Bubs & Kisses has now amalgamated and now has a new name.
Nes Mitchden designs which incorporates the products and services of Bubs & Kisses with Stationery products of invitations and cards for all occasions.
I am thrilled that its all come together nicely and can't wait to embark on this new direction.
Thankyou to Millie Tanner & Steph Campbell who have also joined me on this new journey.
Take Care
Nes Mitchden designs which incorporates the products and services of Bubs & Kisses with Stationery products of invitations and cards for all occasions.
I am thrilled that its all come together nicely and can't wait to embark on this new direction.
Thankyou to Millie Tanner & Steph Campbell who have also joined me on this new journey.
Take Care
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Today's Rambles
This morning Hayden had Kanga Cricket and he did very well.
Bowled one person out and ran out another. His school played against another school that his friend from Joey Scouts Josh goes to. So it was a bit ironic that both Hayden and Josh where playing against each other and they are great friends at Joeys.
Anyway both teams did very well and had lots of fun. This was Hayden's 2nd Game and they won today. Last week they lost but the team they played was very good. Hayden didn't mind losing as he just had great fun and that's all that mattered.
So buggered today and sleepy. Patrick hasn't been well so was up a few times during the night with him coughing. And then the early rise this morning to take all 3 kids with my by myself to Cricket. And if you know what Mitch is like hurry is not in his vocabulary. Sam (DH) was getting ready to go out to do some scouting stuff for most of the day. So highly strung today that its difficult to get any housework done today. I'm just exhausted already.
Would really like to do some scrapbooking today but don't know if I'm in the right mood for it. Would love to curl up and go to sleep.
Making a new commitment to myself today that I'm going to lose some weight and get rid of the excess after baby belly. But just have to take small steps as I'm still BF.
Looking into some cloth nappies saw some really cool ones on Baby Beehinds. Aren't they gorgeous.
Looking into some cloth nappies saw some really cool ones on Baby Beehinds. Aren't they gorgeous.

Good ol' Sister in Law - Kelly put me onto these. They look and feel fantastic. So I'll give these a go. Wish I knew when I had Hayden what I know now. So much would've been different. Even if I knew half the stuff that I know now when I had Mitch would've been good too. Its all well in hindsight but I can still make a bit of a difference now even if Patrick is my last bubs.
Monday, 16 February 2009
On A Lighter Note
Patrick giggled for the first time yesterday evening while asleep in my arms it was so so cute it made me laugh.
Had a bit of concern Friday when a scrub fire broke out near where we live and was fairly close to Hayden's school to which parents could see lots of smoke and some flames. It went through 15 hectares in 1.5hours. You could hear the aerial water bombers in the sky and 3 fire units race past the school. Two streets had to be evacuated for precaution measures only. I just can't believe how close it was and it really hit home. Poor Hayden had a nightmare about fire last night he was in histerics. I think with everything on the news and then so close to home and school it just got too much for Hayden. But he is ok now after I showed him our fire alarms and said that the fire would've never got to our house as there are lots of houses in between. Even though its less than 1km from our house and about 500m from the school its still a bit scarey.
Hayden started Kanga Cricket this Saturday and had lots of fun. They played Glenelg Primary School although they didn't win Hayden said he had fun and that's all that mattered. 'Good on ya Hayden - that's what sport is all about'
Can't believe this Friday coming Patrick will be 12weeks old. Time has absolutely flown by. Plus he is finally gaining suitable weight last week was 200g compared to the previous fortnight was only 60g in that 2 week period. So he is chunkying up will put up a piccie soon of him.
Had a bit of concern Friday when a scrub fire broke out near where we live and was fairly close to Hayden's school to which parents could see lots of smoke and some flames. It went through 15 hectares in 1.5hours. You could hear the aerial water bombers in the sky and 3 fire units race past the school. Two streets had to be evacuated for precaution measures only. I just can't believe how close it was and it really hit home. Poor Hayden had a nightmare about fire last night he was in histerics. I think with everything on the news and then so close to home and school it just got too much for Hayden. But he is ok now after I showed him our fire alarms and said that the fire would've never got to our house as there are lots of houses in between. Even though its less than 1km from our house and about 500m from the school its still a bit scarey.
Hayden started Kanga Cricket this Saturday and had lots of fun. They played Glenelg Primary School although they didn't win Hayden said he had fun and that's all that mattered. 'Good on ya Hayden - that's what sport is all about'
Can't believe this Friday coming Patrick will be 12weeks old. Time has absolutely flown by. Plus he is finally gaining suitable weight last week was 200g compared to the previous fortnight was only 60g in that 2 week period. So he is chunkying up will put up a piccie soon of him.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Vic Bushfires Support
It has been just overwhelming to see what has been happening over in Victoria with the bushfires and the devistation of its effects. Its been wonderful to see on the otherhand how all Australians have pulled together to help out in a variety of ways. No matter what the world is going through right now financially most of us see it that Hey Victoria needs us and we'll just dig that little deeper just to help contribute to the rebuilding of peoples lives who have lost so much.
I have family too over there that are close to the fires but they are no longer in direct threat. To which I hope stays that way for them.
I'm thinking that maybe my Joey Scouts ( 6yrs - 8yrs ) can do something to help.
They will be doing a bike hike south of Adelaide for an hour or so. Maybe 3kms. We will have families and friends sponsoring the joey scouts ride to then donate to the Vic Bushfires. We'd like to raise as much money as we can so if there is anyone that would like to sponsor the Joey Scouts Bike Hike to Help Vic Bushfires do email me to find out where to send donation.
I have family too over there that are close to the fires but they are no longer in direct threat. To which I hope stays that way for them.
I'm thinking that maybe my Joey Scouts ( 6yrs - 8yrs ) can do something to help.
They will be doing a bike hike south of Adelaide for an hour or so. Maybe 3kms. We will have families and friends sponsoring the joey scouts ride to then donate to the Vic Bushfires. We'd like to raise as much money as we can so if there is anyone that would like to sponsor the Joey Scouts Bike Hike to Help Vic Bushfires do email me to find out where to send donation.
Our son, Hayden will be one of 30 joeys taking part in this ride to help raise money.
Thankyou from:
Wallaby ( Joey Scout Leader )
Roo ( Assistant Joey Scout Leader )
Bandicoot ( Assistant Joey Scout Leader )
I am sad at the magnitude of life lost in these fires and what people have lost words cannot describe the heartache they must be feeling. I just hope they all know that all our hearts are open across Australia for them.
Thankyou from:
Wallaby ( Joey Scout Leader )
Roo ( Assistant Joey Scout Leader )
Bandicoot ( Assistant Joey Scout Leader )
I am sad at the magnitude of life lost in these fires and what people have lost words cannot describe the heartache they must be feeling. I just hope they all know that all our hearts are open across Australia for them.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Goodness Me this heat is aweful. 43 today 42 tomorrow and it continues for most of the week.
Closed up the house keep it dark.
Hayden started school today he was very excited about it. Year 2 gosh time has gone so fast and by the end of this year Mitch will start school too.
Mitch goes to kindy tomorrow and can't wait but its going to be so hot.
I hope we don't get any black outs that would be just aweful.
Closed up the house keep it dark.
Hayden started school today he was very excited about it. Year 2 gosh time has gone so fast and by the end of this year Mitch will start school too.
Mitch goes to kindy tomorrow and can't wait but its going to be so hot.
I hope we don't get any black outs that would be just aweful.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
A New Look
Thought it was time for a bit of a change to my blog. I think it looks good. I just love what I can do with publisher. Since Jr isn't interested in sleeping I thought I'd make some changes. I don't think he's going to go to bed any time soon. I have these two beady little eyes looking back at me with only the light of the computer and the TV on.
Anyway must try to put him to bed.Ciao
Friday, 23 January 2009
Making my own photo cards

This is my first card and yes it is Patrick in all the photos.
I will put some more up once I've done them. So I'm sort of expanding my horizons in cardmaking and invitation making business now in what I can now do.
Cardmaking and Invitations are through my business of Bubs & Kisses.
Will make some wedding ones up too soon.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Summer Days
Another warm day today of 33 degrees. So just chillin` with my boys.
Patrick had his 8 week immunisations today. Poor little guy didn't like that much but he is ok sleeping for now. I can't believe how quickly time is going by. I remember when I got down to the last 3 weeks and they were so slow and now they whisk by and he is almost 8weeks ( well Friday he will be 8 weeks ). I don't see my midwife anymore but she saw me every week upto 6 weeks. Patrick is gaining weight and I'm so proud of that. He is now 5.14kg and 60cms in length. This time around I endeavour to exclusively BF Patrick and its going so well. In comparison to the other 2 boys I couldn't do it as long or exclusively so pretty proud this time. His face is changing every week and starting to fill out and looking more and more like Hayden.
Well this weekend we are heading off to the beach to celebrate Australia Day with Family and Friends so it should be great. We always have a game of cricket and everyone participates. The kids play cricket with us and build sandcastles and do some swimming. Its always a great day. We pack a picnic lunch and have it there.
I'm looking forward to school starting as Hayden starts year 2 and Mitch is back to Kindy. Gives me some time at home with Patrick by myself. The only thing is that Sam will be away for a week when school starts as he has to go to Coober Pedy for work again. I hate it when he is away. Will be a test by myself with the 3 boys and juggling school & kindy etc....
Will start going to a new playgroup with my sister in law who has taken over running it. So that should be good and help me get out of the house.
Been thinking of taking Mitch back to swimming to learn again but will see.
Been doing a bit of scrapping with mum for my sister's Mother in law who turns 50 for her birthday. A big job doing an album that's about 30 pages about her life.
Look forward to getting back into scrapping as the mojo is coming back and have been thinking about what I'd like to scrap. Especially my new little boy.
Well Cheers for now.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
I Nominate:~

This is called The Proximity Award.
"These blogs invest and believe in PROXIMITY -
nearness in space, time and relationships!
These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement.
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut,
even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers!
Deliver this award to eight bloggers,
who must choose eight more and include
this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
"So I now nominate:
Janine Koczwara
Lydell Quin
Steph Caskey - Devlin
Kerry Murray
Kathie Link
Shelz Whorwood
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Time is flying by and Patrick is almost 6weeks old.

He is a lovely placid boy and looks a bit like Hayden my eldest.
Here is a photo of him at 4 weeks Christmas Eve.

And here is a photo of Patrick at 5 weeks. I was experimenting with photo shots of him and managed to get these great shots of him.

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