This morning Hayden had Kanga Cricket and he did very well.
Bowled one person out and ran out another. His school played against another school that his friend from Joey Scouts Josh goes to. So it was a bit ironic that both Hayden and Josh where playing against each other and they are great friends at Joeys.
Anyway both teams did very well and had lots of fun. This was Hayden's 2nd Game and they won today. Last week they lost but the team they played was very good. Hayden didn't mind losing as he just had great fun and that's all that mattered.
So buggered today and sleepy. Patrick hasn't been well so was up a few times during the night with him coughing. And then the early rise this morning to take all 3 kids with my by myself to Cricket. And if you know what Mitch is like hurry is not in his vocabulary. Sam (DH) was getting ready to go out to do some scouting stuff for most of the day. So highly strung today that its difficult to get any housework done today. I'm just exhausted already.
Would really like to do some scrapbooking today but don't know if I'm in the right mood for it. Would love to curl up and go to sleep.
Making a new commitment to myself today that I'm going to lose some weight and get rid of the excess after baby belly. But just have to take small steps as I'm still BF.
Looking into some cloth nappies saw some really cool ones on Baby Beehinds. Aren't they gorgeous.
Looking into some cloth nappies saw some really cool ones on Baby Beehinds. Aren't they gorgeous.

Good ol' Sister in Law - Kelly put me onto these. They look and feel fantastic. So I'll give these a go. Wish I knew when I had Hayden what I know now. So much would've been different. Even if I knew half the stuff that I know now when I had Mitch would've been good too. Its all well in hindsight but I can still make a bit of a difference now even if Patrick is my last bubs.
1 comment:
Hi Lea
Ive been meaning to get some stappin up supplies from you since retreat last year!!! But i have finally reached breaking point and i am about to throw something!!! I need some decent stamps!!!!
Can you please email me on and i will put an order in and can i please pay to have you send it to me PLEASE!!!!!
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