Been playing with photoshop of late.
I created my blog heading here and one for my Stamping Storm blog.
And a header for Donna that looks pretty cool. Not sure if its up yet.
Here is a photo that is on one of my MTB layouts that I've been using brushes on.
Looks cool. Had lots of fun doing this one.
I played with the Hue / Saturation and Light to just bring out the colour of my dress and flowers. Then added all the swirls in white and the redish colour. If you look hard enough you can see a black clock too.
Scrap with V forum is almost ready to go just a few more little things to go. But its looking great. I'll keep you informed once its ready.
Lea xx
This is just gorgeous Lea,I want to learn how to do these effects. Good luck with your new stamping adventure too.
Hi Lea your new blog looks fantastic.I don't suppose your interested in making a new banner for me? anyway good luck with the stamoing as well.
take care Kerry
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