Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Hospitals & Mitchell Don't Mix

What a fun filled day its been today after picking Hayden up from School. It was the day for Hayden to get his plaster taken off. And he was so excited about it. So straight from School we went on to the hospital. I knew we'd be waiting a bit as we had to go through ED and wait till called. That doesn't bother me at all. But for Mitch it just wasn't good enough for him today.
Ok Mitch is normally grumpy after a little sleep and non to impressed being woken up and put into his stroller. Bugger me if I was going to make him walk in or carry him in screaming. I thought maybe put him in the stroller and he might settle back down as he was still a little sleepy. But oh no he wasn't impressed at all. Didn't want to walk or go in stroller. I was so dreading this trip into the hospital I knew it was gonna be like this. But it had to be done.
As we got closer to the ED doors Mitch started howling ( crying loudly) got to triage and they asked what's the matter looking down at Mitch. I told him ( yes a male triage nurse) it wasn't Mitch it was Hayden, we were here just to get his cast taken off.
Did all our bits and went to sit down. Mitch wanted out so I let him out to sit on my lap, then he wanted to go sit over by the toys. I said No due to being over crowded in that section. But what gets me they put the vending machines where all the toys are so you also get the kids ear bashing you for chips, lollies or chocolate. I had prepared myself before hand and brought a little chocolate with me as a reward for the boys being good and Hayden being brave with his cast being taken off. But the boys continued to squabble over who sits on my lap. Mitch telling Hayden he hates him and that he is not his brother. I have an old couple sitting across from me trying to do cross words in a magazine and 2 ladies near me with a young girl with very high temp and as white as a ghost. I just wanted to go home. I hate being in uncomfortable situations that I feel my boys are disturbing others with their constant bickering.
It's like when the boys where babies and you're out shopping and they wont stop crying. You just want to hide, your frustration is building and you just want to go to a safe place so your child wont annoy anyone. Although many Mum's would want to reach out to help you feel you have to diffuse the situation yourself.
Anyway I ended up saying no one will sit on my lap and proceeded to put Mitch into his stroller to keep him still from cracking up cos I wouldn't let him push the stroller around the waiting room at the hospital. The little girl wasn't too well sitting across from us and the triage gave her some medicine and an ice pole. Mitch pouts with his arms crossed saying That's not fair! I tried explaining to him that the little girl was sick and had some yukky medicine and for taking her medicine she got an icepole to take the taste away aswell as cool her a bit too.
Well to a almost 3 yr old he wasn't going to comprehend the reason and I knew that. But I couldn't say much more than that.
Probably 10mins later the Male triage nurse comes up behind me with 2 icepoles in his hands. Must have been watching the carry on and felt sorry. I thanked him very much for the thought and let the boys have the ice poles.
Can you imagine for then next 15mins there was peace. They were sitting still there was quiet.
Next thing I notice we're being called up. Everything goes smoothly Hayden laughs the whole time while they take the cast off as the machine tickles him.
Then as we walk out the Hospital Mitch cracks up again with icepole in each hand screaming Cold cold. I grab whats left and threw it in the bin. Now he has sticky hands as well as I do. Grrrr. Anyway he cracks up more that I've thrown it away. I'm starting to get frustrated again but quickly and calmly head to the car put the boys in the car. Rummaged around for baby wipes. Couldn't find any so drove with sticky hands home.
What a lovely end to the day. That I just said to DH you can put them to bed. I am exhausted playing referee.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
Time to do some scrapping I think.


Leanne said...

hmmmmmmmm kids, who needs these some days LOL. You know Lea, I still have to referee and mine are 11 and 14 years now, go figure, I don't think they ever grow up!!!

Lea Adcock said...

some days they are angels other days they are not. lol. I think the refereeing will be happening for some time I think with my boys. lol


kerry said...

Poor bugger i know what you feel like and i only have one to contend with and some days she drives me crazy and i hate taking her to the shops as she alwys ends up be a pain.take care mwah