These last 48hours have been worrying, scared, teary and tiring. Mitch hadn't been feeling well Thursday night. He was fine during the day. He refused dinner didn't want to drink. Had a temp of 38.8 degrees so I wip out the panadol medicine to calm him down and his temp. Giving panadol children's medicine through a syring in not the easiest thing when they refuse to take it. As Mitch wont take it in a medicine cup or spoon. But perservere with the medication to get it into him. With luke warm water I wet face washers and slowly washed his face. I know its hard to fight him as he needs to be cooled slowly as took quickly or too cold can shock his system.
4hrs later his temp had climbed to 39 degrees, panadol may just holding it steady. I gave him some panadol and drink to wash it down. He guzzled too quick and it all came straight back up. DH said give him some more as he just threw it up. I said no as I don't know how much he got and don't want to OD him. I put the medicine away for now hoping that he got some.
He cuddled in our bed and DH slept in Mitch's bed. He was still burning up. His temp dropped a little after awhile but only to 38.3 I kept on dabbing his face with the face washer as much as I could till I fell asleep curled up with him.
Morning he seemed ok for a little while. But temp had gone back up to 39. Gave him some panadol and made an appointment for the GP. Poor Mitch started having very painful stomach cramps. Worse than what he ever had with Gastro up came the medicine again. He couldn't hold onto any liquid. Mean while Hayden was getting stressed because Mitch was so sick and because we'd miss out on taking him to school. I rang Mum who came over after her Doc's appointment picked up Hayden and took him to school for me.
Took Mitch to GP's put him in his big 3 wheel pram as he was too heavy for me to hold him. And he just lay there saying "I love you Mummy".
Once in the Doc checked him out, he was dehydrated and temp had crept upto 40.6 degrees. She quickly wrote me a note and rang the hospital to tell them I was on my way.
Took him straight in the ED and they took him through imediately. put him on hydralite but he refused. Tried him on apple juice and water and that seemed to stay down but eventually he started to refuse that too. They quished and prodded through 2 staffing shifts so repeating everything became tiresome. Finally they decided after no luck with fluid they gave him an IV drip to rehydrate him and take some blood and urine samples. They said its not Gastro but possibly a Blood infection or pneumococcal ( but Mitch had his vaccinations for pneumococcal - but it doesn't cover all 90 strands ). At this point I did not know the actual seriousness of either of these 2 conditions till we got home today. But the Docs of FMC covered every base they could. Chest xray and blood tests in case of pneumonia to which he had 3 months ago but this one came back clear. Both of these conditions can come from pneumonia. So it was kinda scarey. His big sad eyes his screams of being poked and prodded and holding my hand for dear life really tore at my heart. I just held him close and stroked his face till he went to sleep.
I stayed in over night at hospital with him. As I could never bring myself to leave him as it was hard enough to leave the room while he was awake as he would fret that I wouldn't come back.
Mitch had 4 big doses of antibotics to back off whatever he had and would fight off both the conditions aswell. Over night Mitch's temp came down below 37 degrees and stayed with the continual use of panadol to keep bringing it down. To now not needing it now.
He spoke the Hayden on the phone last night and Hayden told him he loved and missed him and to get better soon. Mitch said thankyou. It was so beautiful. Then this morning DH comes in with Hayden and the boys had such a huge hug for each other and Hayden sat on Mitch's bed and did some colouring in with him.
Its just amazing to see the close bond they have with each other. Hayden dotes on Mitchell ( lol most of the time ) and misses him terribly and worries greatly about Mitch when he is sick. So much so it can and has previously affected him at school.
Mitchell depends on Hayden for companionship and is shy without Hayden around sometimes. He misses Hayden while he is at school too.
I am just thankful and blessed that whatever whichever condition Mitch had I hope that its over now. That he becomes my lil' man again. And that it didn't develop too seriously as both of these conditions can be deadly.
I shed a little tear of thankfulness that I have my lil' man that he responded well to the medication and is on the mend but may take some time. I am thankful for my friends who rally behind me in thought and love over great distances that say a little prayer for me & Mitch. Who are there caring about me and my family. It helps you be that little bit stronger when you need to be.
Thankyou to all who emailed, phoned, texted, posted messages to me sending their wishes.
It has been a long 48 hours and I just held Mitch close tonight before bed and told him that I loved him so much for being so brave and that I was so proud of him. He smiled and said thankyou Mummy, don't be sad. I love you too!.
Thanks to All for your kind hearts.
mwah to you
I can feel your embraces across the distances we all live in.
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart it is so appreciated.
I love my boys so so so much.Lea xo
Hi Lea,
Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you Mitch and family. Mitch you are a very brave young man. Get better really soon.
Love from Maria,Bluey and everyone at Blumar's Craft forum.
Thinking of you, you know that. Get some rest, it's physically, mentally & emotionally exhausting. I know how you were feeling, I've been in A & E with Zac lots, in hospital for nights & days. It's terrifying & my heart goes out to you. Take care Lea. xoxoxo
Lea i'm glad to hear that Mitch is alot better praying that he stays that way too.You take care of yourself too.Take care Love Kerryxx
Poor Mitch, you sound like you were a very brave boy, and poor mummy and family. One of the hardest jobs in the world being a mum and this is one of the reasons. So glad to hear that everything seems to be back on track now Lea.
Take care and get some rest
I know what it's like, been there and done that with DD, poked and prodded trying to find out what's wrong, and you can live without ambulance rides to hospitals. It's extremely emotionally draining. Hope all is on the mend.
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