Monday, 15 June 2009

Caught the writing bug!

After reading some of my SIL's stories she has totally inspired me to write about something that I've had bottled up for so long. The story I'm writing is part true in some areas with a fictional twist to it. So if you know how much I enjoy authors Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyers you can probably figure out part of the twist.

Its about a 16year old girl called Inara who has just moved schools leaving behind her boyfriend and long time friends. After a long settling in period at the new school she realises the move wasn't so bad afterall and begins to open up her heart once more. As the new girl she has a few welcome and unwelcome attention that leads her into hot water after a night out at the carnival. Inara goes through many ups and downs as most teenagers do and exploring her sexuality and what love really is about. She is a typical teenage girl and boys are apart of school life, so when she falls for Logan a gorgeously tall well groomed boy at school she never knew that life would take on a new meaning - Forever Young!
I'm just part way through the first chapter so stay tuned.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Some Sketches

Here are some lovely sketches I think they are from Smilebox digi website that just happen to have caught my eye and will be interested in coverting them to proper scrapping layout.
This one would look great for a wedding or silver wedding anniversary, engagement or maybe a precious moment - something like that.
This next one is gorgeous very country or shabby chic that lends itself to the
use of haberdashery lovely for heritage photo or girly photo.
Next time I post I'll put up a photo challenge and then a sketch to put the photo too.

What a week!

Oh Gosh what a wave of emotions it has been this week. I was supposed to go away with Lanie to help with Wedding photography but it all fell through and the wedding got postponed. The groom got rushed to hospital. So went Camping at a scout radio event to which was up in the air for me going as Mitch had asthma and croup - thankfully he got better but Patrick got really sick with bronchiolitis. So we have spent a few days in and out of hospital. I remember when Hayden had this and it wasn't very nice.
It is also contagious for under 2 year olds so I've been isolating myself at home as much as possible. He still isn't the best with mainly night time still being the worst but occasional day time coughing that makes him cry because it hurts.

Next week I have a meeting with a Cristina Re rep to take on board some of their products for Nes Mitchden designs.

Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to put up some more scrapping sketches from some of my favourite sites. ( Hi Sharron H )

Must go more house cleaning to do.

Lea x

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

A New Day

Just another day of getting over thr lurggies that come with sharing family germs. Patrick seems much better sleeping a few more hours at night again was in bed at 8:30pm woke between 2 - 3amish. At least an improvement of what it has been around 12 - 1 am. He had his imms yesterday, was not impressed at all. Gosh 6 months already time is flying by.
Currenty working on some sketches for scrap kits for Abundantias, been a bit behind the 8 ball with unwell kids.
Going Camping this weekend so hoping Mitch improves more before we go.
Got a new tent so am eager to try it out. And the one luxury we bring is a heater mainly for Mitch's benefit and Patrick but its one cozy thing that makes campingbareable at night.
Been working on my photography portfolio will upload some of my work soon. Anyone that is interested in discounted portraits etc.. let me know as I am happy to take some for anyone. Great offers at Lanie Snaps Photography.
Started finding some time again to read, been reading the Stephenie Meyer's books already read Twilight and now reading New Moon. Really enjoying them.
Hopefully a start to a bright weekend.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Ups & Downs

Last few weeks has been a bit up and down. My husband has been away for work for a week and Patrick, Mitch and I have been unwell. Mitch's asthma has been really playing up that he sleeps in the lounge room so I can hear him if he has a problem so I can get to him quickly if need be. So trying to juggle a few things has been difficult and its been really doing my head in.

My husband leaves again for work trip in a weeks time to be away for 2 weeks so not looking forward to that.

With all that's going on I guess I've just been feeling a bit down. And the flack that I've been getting from 2 people I thought would support me most for breastfeeding for as long as possible has been disappointing.

Sometimes I wish I could just pour my heart out just to get things off my chest.
I feel that some people just abuse my friendship I've been burnt too many times and repeatedly.
It makes it very hard to trust or to let anyone close.