Yay I'm 13 weeks and 2 days and so glad that morning sickness is easing off. But a jolly cold has knocked me for a six. I'm getting a little excited now and have my NTscan this Thursday. And my Gender scan on 4th July. I will be in full scale baby prep after that. Thinking of how I can do the room up to get it ready. The boys are getting excited and impatient as when I go for scans at the hospital they think I'll be taking home the baby then.

We are also getting ready for our Big Birthday 30th Bash at our place. DH and I turn 30 a month apart so thought we'd combine it. So that should be good. I hope I'm better by then. Bugger about the alcohol for me, but that's ok I'm sure I'll survive without.
Scrap with V Retreat is coming up in less than 2 weeks so I'm excited about that too. So again I hope I'm better as I hate being so sick. But maybe its the relaxation I need right now. Its in Qld so its going to be a blast. I'm doing a Stampin Up! Class there too so I am just looking forward to it all right now. Mum is coming with me this time as last time she did all the catering in Adelaide and was exhausted after it. So this time she will come and relax with me and have fun too.
Boys have been fairly good. Mitch's Asthma is starting to play up as it gets colder but is doing alright. Hayden is loving school as usual and has improved a lot with his reading. Mitch is begging to go to Kindy and can't wait. He'll start next term.
Hayden is loving Joey Scouts aswell - tomorrow they are doing a night hike around the hall so he'll like that.
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